10. July, 2018ReferencesGPRSmanager, HMI, SCADA, Wastewater

Software-sustainability through open, standardized interfaces

The process control and telecontrol technology at the Kitzingen sewage treatment plant was completely renewed in 2011. The prerequisite for selecting a new supplier was a development environment that could be used completely without programming knowledge. After an extensive market analysis the choice fell on the telecontrol and process control technology of FlowChief.

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04. May, 2015ReferencesHMI, SCADA

Process control including maintenance management for district heating networks

Fernwärme Marktoberdorf GmbH has been operating its own district heating network since 2009. The aim is a sustainable, environmentally friendly and economical supply of heat to parts of the city and its citizens. Public buildings such as the town hall and indoor swimming pool are supplied as well as many private households.

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